Sunday, March 29, 2015

Microbiome Plus+ GI &Microbiome Plus+ Heart Probiotic Product Review

I have tried this product, Microbionme Plus & GI  it is  probiotic  and a prebiotic. I have taken probiotics before but never with a prebiotic. I have found out that prebiotic actually boosts the probiotic and actually makes that work better for me. They had come in  a foil packet to keep the probiotic and prebiotic  fresh for a longer time . I had started taken this for while, and wanted to give it a  good amount of time before just posting a quick review on it. I can say that it has helped me in regularity area a lot more . Not in the way you have to run to bathroom or anything but just more regular. It has helped me with bloating as well. I have lost  4 pounds using this. I am not saying that will do that for you. But it has said to help with weight lost as well.In with that seems like my energy has been  a bit better as well.  So far so good with this. I been having to take antibiotics so I really needed to be taking this to make sure , that I have good bacteria because the antibiotics are killing all bacteria.So this is good to replace the good bacteria back. So this product does work. I would recommend drinking a  good amount of water with this. But that is just my take on it. I would have preferred it to be in a bottle. Easier to store but I understand why they have it in the foil.

Microbiome Plus+ Heart Probiotic 
I received this to try as well, It has probiotic I had talked about that it has helped my constipation and bloating and I had lost 4 pounds as well. So the probiotic works great and then they added in things to help your heart for that will help your blood pressure, thank God I don't have to take anything for my blood pressure any more but this  is also for cholesterol to help lower these things.. So to help your heart and your immune system it is a good combination.


  1. Great giveaway! What a interesting product, thanks for sharing!

    1. You need to follow my blog for you to be entered into Giveaway.
