Sunday, March 29, 2015

Microbiome Plus+ GI Give Away !!!!

Only 1 hour and half left to enter !!!! Will draw tomorrow sometime.

This is a new Give Away!!!!! Microbionme Plus & Gi . The contest will be now until April 4th Please leave a follow me on my blog and comment to enter. I will give your name to the sponsor and they will send out your prize. This is really good has helped me so much.

I have tried this product, Microbionme Plus & GI it is probiotic and a prebiotic. I have taken probiotics before but never with a prebiotic. I have found out that prebiotic actually boosts the probiotic and actually makes that work better for me. They had come in a foil packet to keep the probiotic and prebiotic fresh for a longer time . I had started taken this for while, and wanted to give it a good amount of time before just posting a quick review on it. I can say that it has helped me in regularity area a lot more . Not in the way you have to run to bathroom or anything but just more regular. It has helped me with bloating as well. I have lost 4 pounds using this. I am not saying that will do that for you. But it has said to help with weight lost as well.In with that seems like my energy has been a bit better as well. So far so good with this. I been having to take antibiotics so I really needed to be taking this to make sure , that I have good bacteria because the antibiotics are killing all bacteria.So this is good to replace the good bacteria back. So this product does work. I would recommend drinking a good amount of water with this. But that is just my take on it. I would have preferred it to be in a bottle. Easier to store but I understand why they have it in the foil.


  1. Very nice review and great photos! It's nice that it worked for you :)

  2. Sounds Great! I may have to try this!

  3. Good sounding review. For some reason I am better at taking daily pills that are in foil packets. Maybe because I can tell right away if I took one for the day or not.
