Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sky Pix handy scan

Sky Pix, is a handy scan brand. I have been wanting one of these forever and a day. So I was excited to get this home and try it. The Sky Pix is a must for me, it can help me keep my receipts together digitally  which is a must have, just incase one gets lost and with me no matter how organized I am I  seem to lose some of my receipts, I have been working  on  doing better and  I know this is going to help alot in that area, bedides I think  maybe the receipts runaway like socks supposedly do  in the dryer lol.   But  now  I can always have a backup which will give me piece of mine and it will keep me more organized as well. I also really like this for scanning photographs as well, I love looking at older photographs while I am visting with family,  because the photographs hold so many memories   and stories that I cherish.  I have always wanted to make copies of  the photographs, and  now I can have my own copies.I can scan photos and talk about memories  while visiting with my family and friends. I also like that If I am looking at magazine and I find a story or recipe that interests me I can quickly scan it and I can have it for later. I am excited that this uses a SD card,   because having SD card  makes  it  portable  so I can just scan away and the image is saved to my SD card, or I can either use my SD card to get the images off or connect it my computer  with a USB cord and get the information that way. It runs on 2 AA batteries as well, which is a plus because I can get up to  about 200 pages  on one set of batteries and it also comes with a small carrying case .I know I will have a lot of uses for this and have a lot of fun using it at the same time.  This is great for organizing, scrapbookers,  businesses  and etc.... I really enjoy this product and wanted to share my thought on how much I like it.

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