Sunday, January 29, 2017

Amzdeal Aquarium Light

We got a new tank for Joker,  our fish and we were looking around and  we found him a 3.5 gallon tank at a goodwill store. We wanted him to have a bigger tank to roam around in. So now we needed  a new light that would fit his  tank. We saw the Amzdeal Aquarium Light, would adjust for his tank and  the Aquarium light, had different light settings  on it and it  had got our attention to try it out. The Aquarium light fits perfectly for his tank and sets up  easily, we  just  had to adjust  the extenable arms of Aquarium light  to fit our Aquarium  and  we were set to go, the stand is high enough  so we are able to feed him without removing the Aquarium light and that makes thing easier for us to take care of him. The Aquarium light, has extendable arms so we will be  able adjust it longer up to  18 inches  as well,so if when we decide in the future  to get a bigger tank later on it will be able to fit that one as well because it goes up  to 12 to 18 inches .We love the Aquarium  light  it has 36 LEDS that had a 24 RGB remote control with it and we are able to change the lights to different colors and can tone  the light down or bring up the light brighter with the remote control, so if we want to change the light setting we are able to do that.  I have found that Joker likes the light brighter in the day time and tone down  in the evening  time. we all enjoy the Aquarium lights, and Joker seems to really enjoy them as well. #amzdeal  #fun #aweome  #fish

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