Monday, September 26, 2016

Bumpers New Women's Slim Massage Flip Flop sandals

Bumpers New Women's Slim Massage Flip Flop sandals review,  These were really to small for me or my husband to really give a  proper review on them. My husband tried to wear them and they were small on him so he couldn't really wear them for a long period of time. He did say the bottoms felt good but again he couldn't really wear them to give a quality opinon of them. I did get to wear them for a small time but they were even to small for me as well.They did feel good on my feet as well for the limited time I was able to wear them. I do a lot of these type of things reflexogly wise and these type of things can really help and relieve stress on the body. I just really wish they would have actually had fit either my husband or I.

#lifeisbetterinflipflops #

 I received this product for free or for a discounted price for my honest opinion.

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